Bout 2: Mile Die Club vs Salty Dolls

A bout between the Mile Die Club and the Salty Dolls, ADRD’s original rivals, is always fierce, and this one is no exception. Those lovely leopard winners from last year face off in their first bout for 2010 against delicious dolls thirsty for that familiar taste of victory after last season’s dry spell. Both teams start out aggressively, but with one bout under their belts already this season, the Salty Dolls play a stronger team game, taking the lead by half time. In the second half, the MDC come out firing from the change rooms ready to turn the heat up a notch or two… but so do the Salties! A few jams into the second half, the Dies pull out a series of point-scoring manouevres that start cutting back the Salty lead. But the Salties can’t be rattled for long and soon take control of the pack again. Although the intensity doesn’t stop until the final whistles, with the two teams showing each other some good, hard derby loving, concrete kisses included, points-wise the Salty Dolls end up taking a comfortable win to the after party, with a final score of 104 SD : 72 MDC.

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